Sans faire de bruit, Wobbly Tooth Games cartonne avec son mmo sur 3DS : Ice Station Z.
Disponible depuis le 3 novembre, le jeu est toujorus dans les tops US et Europe, parfoit dans les premières positions. Si la patte graphique est un peu sommaire, Ice Station Z est un Multiplayer Open World Zombie Survival. Un genre assez rare, encore plus sur l’eShop de la console portable de Nintendo.
Wobbly Tooth Games annonce un nouveau patch aujourd’hui qu’il sera disponible le 11 janvier et qui sera obligatoire pour jouer en ligne. L’éditeur conseil même de relancer une nouvelle partie avec ce nouveau patch.
Le changelog :
01. Fixed exploit that allowed the player to become invincible.
02. Fixed system hang when rendering too many objects.
03. Fixed problem where triggers would be lost when Host Migration occurs.
04. Fixed issue where interactions could occur while sleeping causing unexpected problems.
05. Fixed problem where changing to a snowboard while sleeping could result in the player being stuck in collision geometry.
06. Fixed collision hole at end of corridor in underground base.
07. Fixed bug when using snowboard when already using vehicles.
08. Fixed bug with prone animation.
09. Increased prone movement speed slightly.
10. Added extra checks to make sure invincible players are no longer invincible or if they somehow become invincible the game will rectify it.
11. Increased number of zombies in multiplayer games.
12. Reduce effectiveness of Bear Traps versus other players.
13. Added a height check for Bear Traps so that they don’t trigger when they are above or below the player.
14. Added sweep test to stop player falling through map.
15. Fixed collision bug on some beds.
16. Stopped displaying full sessions on the matchmaking screen.
17. Fixed problem returning to Home Menu during loading.
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